Elective Part
The Elective Part continues to aquaint students with another (non)physical field of research and to strengthen interdisciplinary knowledge.
The module Elective Area covers advanced courses with 12 credit points in total. In general, the courses are from topics in Natural Sciences. Lectures with exercises (4+2 hpw / 9 cp) and/or courses with a different structure (e.g. seminars or practical courses) are creditable.
In principle, all courses offered by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences that have an appropriate level can be chosen if they
- have at least 3 credit points,
- do not belong to areas chosen in the Specialization Part,
- do not agree with the content of a course which has been accredited for your bachelor or another part of the master program.
At least one of the chosen courses has to have 6 credit points or more.
Important Notes
- There is a list of typical and recommended combinations of courses below. If you think about other combinations please consult the course guidance or the examination office in advance.
- A consultation regarding the needed previous knowledge is recommended.
- The number of participants might be limited in specific courses offered by other departments.
- In case you plan to take an isolated seminar (i.e. not corresponding to any other area you have chosen) of 3 CP to complete your elective area, you can do an oral exam about the seminar comparable to the ones in the areas of specialization. Alternatively, your seminar talk can be graded in case you have registered beforehand in the examination office!
Recommended Courses
Courses Offered by the Physics Institutes
See the respective module handbook of the Department of Chemistry.
- Nuclear Chemistry with Practical Course (MN-C-WP-NC)
- Physical Chemistry with Practical Course (MN-C-WP-PC)
See the respective module handbooks BSc and MSc of the Department of Mathematics.
- Algebra and Number Theory: Algebra (BSc-M-Alg), Zahlentheorie (BSc-M-ZT), Algebraische Geometrie und kommutative Algebra (BSc-M-AGKA), Darstellungstheorie (BSc-M-DT)
- Geometry and Toplogy: Elementare Differentialgeometrie (BSc-M-EDG), Differentialgeometrie (BSc-M-DG), Topologie (BSc-M-Top)
- (Applied) Analysis: Funktionentheorie (BSc-M-FT), Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen (BSc-M-Dgl), Einführung in Partielle Differentialgleichungen(BSc-M-EPDG), Dynamische Systeme (BSc-M-DS)
- Numerical Mathematics: Numerische Mathematik (BSc-M-Num), Einführung in die Numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen (BSc-M-END)
- Discrete Mathematics/Optimization: Einführung in die Mathematik des Operations Research (BSc-M-OR), Einführung in die konvexe Optimierung (BSc-M-EkO)
- Stochastics: Einführung in die Stochastik (BSc-M-St), Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie I (BSc-M-WT1), Versicherungsmathematik (BSc-M-VM)
- Advanced Algebra and Number Theory: Algebraische Lie-Theorie (MSc-M-ALT), Geometrische Darstellungstheorie (MSc-M-GDT), Strukturen und Darstellungen von Algebren (MSc-M-SDA), Elliptische Funktionen (MSc-M-EF)
- Advanced Geometry and Toplogy: Differentialgeometrie II (MSc-M-DG2), Komplexe Geometrie (MSc-M-KG), Riemannsche Flächen (MSc-M-RF), Algebraische Topologie (MSc-M-AT), Differentialtopologie (MSc-M-DfT), Geometrische Topologie (MSc-M-GT)
- Advanced Analysis: Funktionalanalysis (MSc-M-FA), Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (MSc-M-AaM)
See the respective module handbook of the Department of Mathematics
- Informatik I (BSc-M-Info1)
- Informatik II (BSc-M-Info2)
- Programmierpraktikum (BScM-ProgP)
- Informatik II (BSc-M-Info2)
- Programmierpraktikum (BScM-ProgP)